Q2's Richie Melby here filling in for Casey with a hot sport topic in the world right now. You can admit it, you're sick of hearing about Brett Favre and this potential comeback. I have always been a Brett Favre fan but the whole retire and un-retire thing is a little ridiculous. It reminds me of a great former NBA player who thought it was time to hang up the shoes but wasn't quite ready to go. The media makes a huge frenzy about stories like this to the point where the actual significance of the story is no longer present.

But enough ranting...let's get down to business. As a Tampa Bay Bucs fan (don't even ask) I'm more than welcome to the idea that we're a possible front runner in the Favre saga. To see Brett behind center in a Tampa Bay uniform would make my day (not that we need anymore QB's but don't get me started on that). Anyways the real question here is what do you all think? We want to hear your take about the Brett Favre comeback; whether you think he should stay retired, play for the Packers, be traded to a new team, or whatever. Just respond to this blog with your thoughts or suggestions about #4 and his return. No matter where you stand it sure is making for an interesting off-season.
(After Favre rumors) “Sharper quickly backed his current quarterback, Tarvaris Jackson.”
The Vikings aren’t going to be terrible either way (who ever the starting QB will be)... They will win the North. Maybe a playoff game...
Favre deserves to play next year - simply on the merit of being the Meryl Streep of football... Let him play and let Meryl sing!
Mamma Mia! is in theaters Friday! Like Bret will be in Minnesota NEXT Friday!
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